Friday, August 23, 2013

Zoya PixieDust: Nyx Swatches and Review

Hey Guys!!

I was hoping to have this out a few days back, but I had some epic computer fail. Hardware fail of my motherboard, to be exact. Needless to say it required the replacement of my laptop, so I got a bit delayed in getting this up. Better late the never though right!?? Anyway, let's get right into the good stuff, since it still frustrates me to no end, that a 1 year old laptop died on me. :l

Back when I posted about London here I mentioned that I also bought Nyx. Which is a periwinkle blue from the PixieDust collection. As you can guess, today’s post features the swatches and review of that texture polish.

Nyx is a gorgeous almost magical soft blue, with what feels like an actual twinkle thanks to the PixieDust effect. I found this to be a much softer polish colour then London. Where as London almost said fairy tale goes punk. This just speaks true innocent fairy tale magic. (At least to me!) As with London I wore it without base or topcoat. Anyway, I will save the particulars like last time till the end, onto some pictures!!

Such a soft, magical shade!

Close up, of the actual polish.

Okay, now you have seen the images, and heard my description of it.  Time to talk about the polish. First off, it went on amazing, just like London. It is a bit on the thicker side, but not so much that it makes it difficult to apply or work with. All the texture polishes I have tried have been on the thicker side, I am almost certain that it is just a side effect of texture. The wear time was also really well, unlike with London which only got 1 day before I took it off. I wore this for almost 5 days before the first slight chip, before that the only thing I experienced was some minor tip wear. Overall I liked this polish a lot, and will certainly be wearing it again. If I had to pick between this and London, even though they are both beautiful.  I would likely have to pick Nyx. I guess I have a soft spot for it's fairy tale, dream like quality!  

I think that covers most of it. A quick little question though, I have been less than impressed with the lighting of my images, and I heard that natural light, light bulbs are best? Is this true? I am thinking about picking one up and seeing if it helps any.  I have also considered building a real light box, but haven't had much spare time. It is on my to-do list though!! Any advice, anyone wants to give to a newborn blogger like myself would be greatly appreciated get you tons of love! Well, till next time kittens...